Frequent Buyer Scheme

Our frequent buyer scheme offers trade discounts on bulk purchases and individual transactions.

Marketing/Advertising Our Stock Registrations

Elite Registrations Ltd will supply a list of their own stock numbers on a daily basis to enable you to advertise these numbers for sale.

No inference should be made that our registrations are owned by you/your company or that your company have the sole right to offer our registration numbers for sale. When asked, you must disclose that the registration being advertised is from Elite Registrations stock. Registration numbers must NOT be advertised through any auction, auction-style website or any medium that infers that client’s can make an immediate purchase (eg: 'buy it now').

The list will be supplied by e-mail and will be an updated list reflecting new additions, deletions and any price variations. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of all information you provide to potential purchasers. An XML link is also available upon request.

Prices may be subject to fluctuation (up and down). All stock registrations are subject to VAT and will be subject to a £80 DfT (transfer) fee. All sales made, are subject to Elite Registrations full Buyers' Terms & Conditions.

To sign up to the Frequent Buyer Scheme, please contact us on

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